Friday, July 22, 2011

Go for fitness training practices

!±8± Go for fitness training practices

Jumping is an important movement in most of our sport and many of our outdoor hobbies. I personally would like to improve my leg strength and jumping ability for snowboarding. After research, I found the component I was missing - the training jump.

There are two components that create a solid base to jump into the lower body the ability to:

Strength training Dynamic Training

Strength training
Strength training is a traditional strength training to build musclethe posterior chain. More than the leg muscles must be trained. Too often, the muscles of the posterior chain will be ignored. The posterior chain includes the lower back, buttocks, thighs and calves.

There are several exercises you can develop, but one of the most effective (and fun) is the kettlebell swing. Another exercise is important to build the posterior chain lift dead.

Before arriving in dynamic strength training to build the posterior chain.The core strength you need to start building before you can apply the dynamic speed profile during the jump.

Dynamic Training
Training is the dynamic force application of the posterior chain in explosive movements, jumping. This type of training includes sprints, stairs, run, jump and plyometric box jumps scale.

Sprint - My favorite way to train to run uphill sprints. This is a nearby street, has a perfect mound. I'll be there for my warm-up jog, then sprint so fastpossible, to recover on foot, then repeat 5-10 times. It also focuses on strength training programs in my posterior chain, a hill sprint training will still leave ... . They feel great training for explosive power and dynamic.

Stair Running - I work as a cube dweller, so I need to find a way to get some exercise during breaks in the workday. I like it, on the stairs. To run on a couple of minutes from the day a couple of flights will be blood, muscles and works. IfIt has access to the stairs for a workout seriously here are some variations:

Sprint Up Lunges down - with the largest possible number of points in each phase Scale jumps - jump, a few steps forward, then repeat. High Knees - Head up, but at every step you bring your knees as high as possible.

Plyometric Box Jumps - Another tool to skip the workout to build. Plyometric boxes can be built with basic mechanical skills. They provide an excellent tool for a home gym, you canthe implementation of a dynamic training. Depending on the amount of your abilities, but 18 "and 24" heights are common.

Build your exercise by jumping to jump, use the chain across the top, from ground to top of the box. The goal is to complete your heals on top of the box, then jump off before you expand.

Add some 'dynamic training in your workouts each week and see you to improve your bounce.

Go for fitness training practices

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